My first Christmas in Boston, two of my friends had flight trouble and were not able to get home for Christmas day. Since then, I realized what a pain winter flying in New England is. It is unusual to have a flight without delays, but this year something even worse happened. My flight was cancelled! The one day it stormed that week was the one day that I was supposed to fly out. Of course, they started cancelling flights the day before when it hadn't even started snowing yet. Typical. Luckily my roommate Tristan noticed they were cancelling flights and let me know. I called and was able to get on another flight the next day. BUT, I was supposed to get there early Sunday morning and instead got there late Monday night, so I really lost two whole days at home. On the bright side, though, I was in plenty of time for Christmas. We did, however, have to reschedule our family party from Sunday to Wednesday, which my sister was personally upset with me over the whole week. Like I purposefully bought a ticket for a flight (in July!) that would be cancelled.
Good times were had once I was home, although I had to try and cram in a lot more in less time. I had a fun little get together with some old Alpha friends.

Jessica's family has three birthday's the week of Christmas. We celebrated Kevin's on Christmas Eve.

My mom and abuela also made the traditional Bolivian New Year's soup. So yummy! The kids opened their one gift, which was pajamas, of course.
Christmas morning, my parents and I opened our presents...

...with Patrick, Hilary, and...

...their little man Ganon. It was his first Christmas and he was still learning the ropes of unwrapping things, but was so excited for all his gifts. I coudn't believe how big he'd gotten!

We also saw Jessica's kids and went to see Jodie's girls. We found out that my grandma Turner was going to be alone on Christmas, so Kevin and the boys made an early run that morning to pick her up. It was really good to see her... it had been since before I moved to Boston.
The next day we celebrated Julian's birthday with his party. That little guy is so adorable. Somehow I manage not to take too many pictures when I'm home. The time just seems to fly by and I never get to see everyone that I want to. It was a merry Christmas, though, all the same.