Do you remember that classic clip on Mr. Rogers about making crayons? Well, my friend Cristi informed me that you can actually go to the Crayola factory in Easton, PA, so that is just what we did.

The number of crayons made... constantly increasing.

We played and did crafts in the attached Crayola museum. Lots of fun stuff there.

The next factory on the list was in Hershey, PA. Who knew there were so many cool places in Pennsylania?

My favorite thing on the ride/tour of how Hershey's chocolate is made was the singing cows.

Funny story... after leaving Hershey, we headed to NYC. After putting the address into my GPS, it showed us the route, but didn't show an arrival time. Very unusual, so I tried it again. Same thing. No arrival time. I checked a page of the travel directions and the highway looked right, so I figured there was just a gliche. Luckily, Cristi noticed that we were going towards Pittsburgh, ie, the wrong way. Finally, I realized that the setting to "Avoid Toll Roads" was checked, causing the GPS to route us around through Ohio and then up through Canada to get us to NYC. There wasn't a time showing because we weren't going to get there that day... or the next for that matter. ;)

We spent the night with Cristi's awesome friend, Jessica, in Harlem. We ate a little Indian food in Ghandi's Cafe then had a little frozen yogurt for dessert.

We attempted to go see a movie on the battleship Intrepid, but the security guards wouldn't let us on, even though there was only a little bit left of the movie.

After church on Sunday, one of Cristi's friends invited us over for his family's Father's Day tradition. He made breakfast: first, omelets with spinach, mushrooms, carmelized onions, seven Italian cheeses, and red, green, and yellow bell peppers; then stuffed french toast filled with strawberry jam and cream cheese on cinnamon swirl bread, topped with powdered sugar and a strawberry. It was definitely a delicious gourmet breakfast. On the way back to Jessica's, we passed an open fire hydrant, water spewing into the street. Of course I had to dance in it. :)
As we were leaving Harlem, these boys egged a car just as we walked by, making me jump. Punks.