Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Conference Weekend

I love that General Conference always turns into a "weekend"... which is not complete without a girl's night out. Friday night, my friend Bethany had a little craft night at her place. She made us the most delicious enchiladas, served on her bright fiestaware. We settled in for some quilling, card-making, and cross-stitching while watching a chick-flick, making sure to munch on the yummy "puppy chow" that Meredith brought. These girls are just so fun and sweet. I had a great time with them.
Saturday, my roommates made a yummy waffle breakfast, a conference tradition in Catherine's family. Inbetween sessions, we managed a little walk to the Chestnut Hill reservoir. The weather was beautiful... crisp, sunny, and the sky was my favorite shade of blue.
Sunday, I went to my friend Kristie's place for a Boston conference tradition... french toast strada (cubed bread and cream cheese, pour eggs over it and bake). All I can say is delicious.

There were a couple of nuggets that I gleaned from conference this time. One was from Elder Corbridge of the Seventy. He talked about having two choices: follow God or any other way. However, either way we choose, we will still have trials and hard things happen in our lives. Which way is easier? I know sometimes it seems overwhelming and so hard to try to be faithful and do all we should, but the alternative would be so much harder. Having the gospel helps us overcome trials. I can't imagine trying to endure them without the gospel. The other nugget came from Sister Dalton, Young Women General President. A motto my mission president used was "I can do hard things." Sister Dalton changed that to include "and in the strength of the Lord, I can do all things." I think sometimes I feel so inadequate because I try to do it all myself and think I should be strong enough. But I'm not. I need to rely on the Lord more and ask for and accept his help. I know I am stronger with Him.

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