Monday, we started out by going to the Tide Pools at Cabrillo National Park, the western side of Point Loma. We climbed down to the shore and looked for creatures.

We climbed over a ledge so as not to get wet and access another part of the beach.
We visited the old lighthouse that has been there since 1855. It was only used until 1891, when they started using a lighthouse at the tip of the point. 

I love this quote.
The windy staircase inside.

It was such a beautiful, sunny, perfect weather day that we decided to go layout at the beach. Kim took me to the beach behind the Del Coronado hotel. The hotel is gorgeous, and it felt like we'd stepped back in time a little... or onto a movie set. We had a little ice cream and stayed for the amazing sunset. There was a couple getting married on the beach there. So cute.

That evening we headed into Old Town, where there is a little Mexican village. We had fun looking through the shops and such. We met some of Kim's friends for dinner. It was so nice to have good Mexican food. There is a serious deficiency in Boston.
On Tuesday, we went to La Jolla for breakfast, and to see the sea lions.

Kim showed me her favorite beach, then to this one to look for sand dollars. Um... we only found a few little broken ones... but I did find a real-live clam!
Next, we headed inland to go to Redlands. We passed orange groves...
...and vineyards... all the highlights of Cali.
We attended the Redlands California Temple. This was number 36 for me. For some reason I thought it was the cookie cutter mini-temple, but the outside was different and, of course, beautiful. 
Kim's boyfriend (now fiance!), Dan, treated us to a nice Italian dinner after the session. It was some great food, and great conversation. He is a really nice guy. I am very happy for Kim.
Wednesday was my last day in beatiful, warm San Diego and we went to the San Diego Wild Animal Park. I have always wanted to go to the zoo since I was little. I remember seeing on t.v. that you got to drive through the park and lions would come up and walk next to your car. Well... they don't do that anymore. We went on a safari, sitting in their jeep and the lions don't come up to the car. It was still pretty cool. They have so much land and so many resources.
I miss cute Kim since she lives so far away, but I loved San Diego. I can see why she enjoys living there. I was ready to pack up in Boston and move there... warm weather, sunshine, ocean, amazing scenery everywhere... even a few mountains. Thanks Kim! I just love ya!

1 comment:
So does this mean you're going to visit us so you can go to our temple? ;) Anyway - cute pictures, it looks like you have a lot of fun.
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