First, this little goodie comes courtesy of Mike, who often keeps us laughing. Bethany is an avid Kansas University Jayhawk fan and proudly displays the Baby Jay and Big Jay mascots on her desk. After some teasing the day before, Bethany arrived to find this:
Bethany and I like to do simple art projects. This one was inspired by someone we encounter at work who gets some crazy schemes in his head. We have dubbed him Wiley and Bethany occasionally lets out a howl in honor.

Sharing an office with someone five days a week, you get to see all their different moods. In Mike's case, he had so many that we named them: Misha, Mikey, Mickey, Michael, Miguel and Mikalek. We created this chart, with adjustable arrow, so that everyone knows which personality is present on any given day.
We have treats out in the hallway and Peanut M&Ms is one of our favorites. Somebody left the bag on the table with ONE m&m left inside. We thought it was Mike, though he never confessed, so Michelle left this note on the bag on his desk:
"We saved the last one just for you!" We have since had several discussions about the proper number of items to leave in a bag without taking all of them. ;)

Writing this reminds me of the fun things we did at IHC. Lara and I would take turns writing stories on post-its passed back and forth over the cubie wall. I would throw the stress ball around with Jeremy and Ryan. The best was when we tried to scare Jeremy with a spider on a fishline strung over the lights. Our execution was a little off, but it took quite some planning.
You need to have a little fun at work, right?
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