When I found out that our conference would be in Jackson Hole this Spring, I decided that it was an opportune time to visit the family with it being so close and all. I visited my Abuelita for breakfast when I arrived and saw my Uncle Pedro and Aunt Angela there. For some reason my Abuela's food always tastes better than other food. She is amazing.
When I got home Hilary and Patrick came and I got to meet my adorable little nephew, Ganon, for the first time. He has the sweetest smile and biggest blue eyes. So lovable!

Hilary was driving my mom and me to meet Jess, when we discovered a flat tire. Luckily, my daddy taught me how to change them when I was eighteen (my first car got flat tires regularly) and we had it mostly done by the time the men arrived to save us.

After hours of torturous shopping... we gathered at Jessica and Kevin's and ordered yummy pizza from the Pie. I fell asleep upstairs around eight. You know, the two hour time difference always kills me on the first day I'm in Utah. It could also have to do with the fact that I'm usually up all night packing before I leave.
The next day was Mother's Day. I was able to go to Woodledge Ward for church with my parents. I love the people in this ward. Besides growing up there, I was a Young Women's leader for a couple of years after my mission. Seriously the nicest people and best spirit there. I always love getting to go there. After church we visited my sister Jodie and her girls. Savannah is a ball of energy, dancing and bouncing everywhere. Danika gave me big blue puppy eyes when she wanted something.

Apparently my kids were just being accident prone before I came. Dani and Ethan both had broken bones and Preston had a sprained thumb.

We had yummy dinner at Jessica's house. Here are the girls.

On Monday, my mom had a doctor's appointment, so Jess and I watched Ganon while she went. He is just so precious.

I took the kids to the park and Jess stayed with Ganon while he napped. They changed all the playground equipment and took out the sand at the park I grew up playing at. It was kind of sad. I guess the new stuff is safer, but honestly, I loved the swings, tire swings, teeter-totter, etc. Kids need to get hurt on stuff like that every once in a while, right? Julian loved climbing all over everything.

My little Audrey is such a doll and loves to have her picture taken.

The next day I visited my friends at my old work Jacobsen Construction Company. I really loved the people I worked with there. It was fun to see them again. I went with Jess to pick Audrey up from preschool. She made me laugh because she had told all the teachers that I was coming and was so excited to have me there. It's nice to feel loved.
We took the kids to Mulligan's to miniature golf. I think the older boys were a little bored waiting for everyone to finish, but Julian did get a hole-in-one (with Jessica's help). At one point Julian was lagging behind. We turned around to find him fixing to pull his pants down and saying that he needed to go to the bathroom. I managed to get him to the bathroom in time. I asked Jess why he would want to go outside and she explained about their soccer game the week before. The bathrooms were locked so she had him go in the grass. He was hesitant there, but I guess he'd gotten over his shyness by the time we went golfing.

In our usual tradition, I took Audrey swimming at the rec center near their house. They love the alligator slide and lazy river. Preston was able to come, but Ethan couldn't because of his cast... and Julian was a little too tired. We didn't stay long, so that I could go with my mom to see my cousin Lindsay in the hospital. Lindsay tells about it
here. I love her and her husband Ben (also my cousin - different sides of the family) so much. I feel terrible for their loss(es) and my heart cries out for them. I am so glad that their children are sealed to them and will be with them forever.
all those broken bones, what the heck?
and they took out "the" tire swing???
i am so mad.
Too bad we didn't get to see you more! Come back soon!
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