So fun! Thank you everyone for all the yumminess and thinking of me on my special day.
After the beach, we drove to Plymouth, which my dad was excited about. Here we are at the Mayflower II. I love Preston's grin in this picture.
Isn't my daddy a good poser? ;)
We decided to try again to go on the Tall Ships, going to a different pier this time. I love this one with the big sun on the sail.
We unfortunately got there just as they closed and didn't get to actually go on a ship. I did get to speak to more Russian sailors, though.
AND there was a Dunkin' Donuts nearby for a treat.
By the way... Preston lost a tooth while in Boston. The Tooth Fairy found him here, too. I know this is blurry, but can you see how the tooth is hanging on by a thread?