Sunday, July 27, 2008
Oh Canada!
I'm leaving in the morning for Prince Edward Island! Well... we'll actually spend most of tomorrow in Maine and arrive at PEI on Tuesday... my BiRtHdAy! Unfortunately... I just checked and my cell phone will charge me an outrageous amount to talk on it in Canada. :( So if you were planning on calling me for my birthday... wink, wink ;) I can receive texts for free or may have e-mail access. I'll be sure to post all about the trip on my return.
Blast from the Past Week

On Saturday, I also decided to finally give in and get my hair professionally colored. I have only done it once since being in Boston, because it costs so much more here.... like more than double. I wanted to try highlighting my hair, because I get bored always having it the same. It didn't look terrible, but turned a little too bronzy... and I was about to be in a lot of pictures in PEI and I didn't want to document my highlighting talents there. I am, alas, without highlights, though... couldn't bring myself to pay the extra money for them. It's alright, though, I like the color now, just a pretty dark brown.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Favorite Day of the Year
A co-worker recently asked me what my favorite holiday is. Now, most people usually love Christmas, Fourth of July, maybe Halloween... but my answer was... MY BIRTHDAY! I just love that I get to be special for a day. It always bummed me out in elementary school because I never got to bring treats like the other kids did for my birthday. I was a summer baby. Luckily, my fourth (and fifth) grade teacher, Miss Thompson, allowed the summer birthdays to celebrate their half-birthday! Finally, I was able to bring treats to school. Well, I figure, why stop at half-birthdays? I can remember my 1/4th and 3/4th birthdays... even 1/3rd and 2/3rd. Pretty much, on the 29th of each month... I figure out which "birthday" it is for me. :) On my mission, I was teased by my district for loving fractions because of this... but they were wrong. It was really all about my birthday. Well, maybe I do love fractions too because of my math teacher dad, but that's another story. I just wanted to let everyone know that today is my 51/52nd birthday! No, I have never actually celebrated anything other than my real birthday. But it is coming soon... hint... hint...
While out shopping for a friend's birthday last weekend, I came across these shoes and decided to give myself an early birthday present. Aren't they sexy? It's funny how you just have to walk differently when you're wearing shoes like this. It's also funny how I can barely make it through three hours of church in shoes like this. They came off right after I left the building.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Japanese Lantern Festival
Did I mention that it was in a cemetery? The cemetery also has modern art sculptures scattered throughout. We had a much easier time finding these nightgowns this year than last year... when we didn't realize it probably wasn't so safe to be wandering around the cemetery... in the pitch dark... alone.... It's funny because they just suddenly jump out at you, like ghosts... Boo!
Hard to believe I've been here in Boston for over a year now. I must say that I'm doing much better getting around... I'm not completely reliant on my gps anymore. I even got to the cemetery and home without it. This may sound like a small feat, but only if you've never tried to drive in Boston before. :)
Sunday, July 6, 2008
This Is My Country
Boston Pops
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