Saturday, my friend Kelly planned a little excursion to a World War II Museum. She randomly found out about it in a book she read, but they have some amazing things... real things, not replicas... and they actually let you touch a lot of it. Some highlights: They had James Bondish spyware, similar to what I saw in the International Spy Museum in DC. England produced handbooks for the people, instructions about what to do during an air raid. One point said to stay put and not run or you would most certainly be shot. I rang an alert bell and cranked an air siren.
I crawled under the huge tank so I could see what it looked like inside. All sides produced false propaganda... made to look like it came from the enemy. In the U.S., the propaganda against Germany focused on Hitler as the bad guy, while against Japan, the entire people were shown as faceless. There weren't as many Japanese people living in the United States. It seems like I've seen/read a lot about war lately. I can't imagine what a hard thing it would be to live through a war.On Saturday, I also decided to finally give in and get my hair professionally colored. I have only done it once since being in Boston, because it costs so much more here.... like more than double. I wanted to try highlighting my hair, because I get bored always having it the same. It didn't look terrible, but turned a little too bronzy... and I was about to be in a lot of pictures in PEI and I didn't want to document my highlighting talents there. I am, alas, without highlights, though... couldn't bring myself to pay the extra money for them. It's alright, though, I like the color now, just a pretty dark brown.
that looks like a lot of fun...and i always liked your hair better without highlights anyway.
готов? всегда готов! Why didn't you pull a Kristie and post a picture of your new look?
Ya, I want to see it (your hair I mean)!!
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