My friend Amy Beth goes to Mass Art and invited us to an Iron Pour there on Friday. Because it takes so much effort to pour iron, they decide to make a party of it. Sparks flew every time they poured and fireballs exploded at the big vat used to heat the iron. Nice and dramatic, like fireworks.

There was a stuffed bunny sitting on top of one of the sculptures that had cooled. They grabbed him and put him on top of another sculpture right before they poured, so he burst into flames. Do you think it was their Easter celebration? ;)

My friend Mollie and I
This is the girl in purple (behind us in the last picture) blowing fireballs. It reminded me of my old Alpha days when the Pi Rho's would blow fireballs at the Institute. Crazy boys.

Fire dancers in slow motion
The funniest thing was the weird band they had playing psychedelic music... the same song for fifteen minutes. When they started singing it made me jump because the speaker was right behind me. Even more of a treat. Thanks for taking us to your school Amy Beth!
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