Wednesday, April 1, 2009

No... Really

Funny thing happened today... when I arrived at work earlier than usual, the owner of our company was there. This only happens maybe once or twice a year. BL needed a desk, so we told him he could use Bethany's. She shares her office with B, who was still on his way in. My office-mate M decided to call B to give him a head's up and let him know BL would be sharing his office today. The radio had been talking about April Fool's Day, so B thought it was a big joke... and M didn't convince him otherwise. B stopped at our office on the way to his when he arrived, saying things like... "Nice try, M. I almost believed you." I just giggled but didn't say anything. As he turned to go into his office, we tried to peek around the corner to see. We heard BL boom out, "Good morning, B," and a few minutes later we received this e-mail:
Subject: Whhhaattt?
What is going on? You all win.

B told us BL probably thought he'd seen a ghost because he was so startled when he turned the corner and saw him there. It couldn't have been better than if we'd planted BL there on purpose. ;) I kept laughing about it all day long. Good unintentional April Fool's.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Love it. I heard he paid a visit, but never heard this humorous aspect of it until now! Good job keeping a straight face.