All summer, whenever I talked to Audrey, she asked me to take her swimming at the rec center so she could wear her new Sleeping Beauty bikini. I was always the one to take them there, so of course, we had to go while I was in town. However, Audrey has since moved on from her Sleeping Beauty suit, and wore her Tink swimming suit. We enjoyed floating around the lazy river, and Ethan loved getting stuck in the whirlpool. Julian said he was "afraid" of the not-so-scary alligator slide, but still managed to go down over and over again. I forgot how adorable two-year-olds are. Preston was old enough to go down the big slide without an adult! When did that happen?
Saturday was a very full day with Lizeth and Tyson's wedding! We started early in the morning at the temple, then had pictures and the luncheon, at which point Julian was already worn out.
After that, Pat, Hilary and I went to get the flowers (with only one spill!), and went to the reception hall to help set up a few things there. The ring ceremony was beautiful, with Sofia walking her daughter down the aisle.Following the ring ceremony, there was a dinner, followed by the reception with plenty of dancing. All of my cousins were there with their kids, so it was a full house. She had the little flower girls dress like fairies (see Audrey and Savannah in front of the picture below). It was adorable to watch them dancing around together. I also bribed Ethan into dancing with me, so I would get him a Webkinz. I only got about a half a dozen of the dreadful "It's your turn next" comments.
I took Julian outside for a bit, as he was getting restless at the reception. I asked him which story he wanted to hear and he chose the Three Little Pigs. I was about to say the big, bad wolf huffed and puffed for the third time, when Julian held out his hand and said, "stop!" I tried starting again, but "stop!" Julian then proceeded for me, extending his arms out in explanation, "then the big, bad wolf said, 'I'm happy!'" Me: "he didn't blow down the house?" Julian: "Nope, he's happy!" He is just at my favorite age, he was so cuddly and said the cutest things. He doesn't say, "I love you," but "love you too," even if he's the first to say it. He also likes to tattle a little, saying, "he hurt me," with big crocodile tears. After going all day long, I was worn out, especially with the time zone difference. I went home and went to bed. My mommy came and chatted with me in bed when she got home.
On Sunday, I was able to get up early and have breakfast with Joy and Amy, who had a hard weekend. We spent a lot of time crying and trying not to cry on the bed. I am so glad that I was able to be there right at that time. These girls are some of my dearest friends.
My flight left in the early afternoon, so I just had a little church time with the kids. Audrey wanted me to read the Book of Mormon to her, so we read 3 Nephi 11. It was such a sweet chance for me to testify of the Savior, Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. It gets harder to leave my family every time, but my flight awaited me.
The kid next to me on the plane took his shoes off and had stinky feet! I was so nauseated and so glad to finally land. I used to think it would be great to travel for work, but I'm realizing that I couldn't do it. My sweet friend Kristie picked me up from (not to mention taking me to) the airport, and we spent some time talking on the bed. Monday, after a long, long day at work, I had a roommate chat on my bed. I enjoyed connecting with people during all of the "bed chats" I had this weekend. I am blessed to have good relationships and wonderful people in my life.