This has been a good week. Katie and I went to two movies in the middle of the week... which I normally wouldn't do, but they were only showing this week. The first one was incredible. It was a Russian remake of "Twelve Angry Men", called "12". I loved that I could still understand most of what they were saying and how much Russian culture was incorporated into the story. The boy on trial was Chechen, so the movie also brought in the war and an amazing Chechen knife dance. It was inspiring to me, and really made me want to go back to Russia. The second movie was "Phoebe in Wonderland". It had a good balance of seriousness and humor. It made me think about how often we feel like we need to be perfect, but its just not possible. I highly recommend both movies.
In honor of the Spring Equinox on Friday, Kristie and Victoria had a gathering with yummy food, good conversations, and entertaining hairstyles. Saturday morning, I woke up and sauntered in to find Katie watching Saturday morning cartoons. I joined her on the couch and glanced over to see these flowers near the window.

I jumped up and started squealing like a little girl. Katie had to keep shushing me because Jan Marie was still asleep. I love my narcissus! They smell heavenly. I had planted the bulbs a few weeks ago, but the box said it would take six weeks to bloom, so I wasn't expecting them yet. It was a nice Spring surprise. That afternoon I went on exchanges with the sisters in our ward. We actually knocked a street near where I live. It was actually fun... everyone was really nice and it was just good to talk to people. My friend Mollie then colored and cut my hair. I was so excited to have my hair done. I had it done regularly in Utah, but haven't so much in Boston. It was really time.
Afterwards, we went and bought Twilight at Target and watched it. I know there are cheesy parts, but I love Edward. Does anyone know someone like him? :)
So... I will be travelling quite a bit in the next couple of months. My friend Denise and I just decided to go the Met in NYC in a couple of weeks. I go to the ASCA conference in Nashville later next month, after which I'm going up to Louisville, KY with Michelle. Then in May, I am going home to SLC before our work conference in Jackson Hole. The week after which, I am going to Ireland with Michelle. Have I ever mentioned that I love to travel?