It was time, once again, for the children's reenactment of the Boston Massacre. Luckily, it was not raining this time, but it did mean it was pretty crowded. I felt bad for poor Captain Preston, though. The kids were out of control and kept throwing the snow balls at his head, even though he specifically asked them not to. Some people should control their kids. As if this weren't bad enough, someone actually pegged him right in the head with a real snowball! He told us this was his third year and he probably won't be back again. He was nice though, and gave me a Spanish coin (replica)... which were actually more common than British coins then.
This kid has a career in show biz. He was the wigmaker's apprentice who started all the taunting. He took the most realistic fall when the redcoat hit him with his rifle in the head.
Jan Marie, Katie, Victoria, Charlotte, DeniseThe trial was a little too long, so we had some fun with the interactive displays, before heading out to do a little shopping.
The weather this weekend was incredible... around sixty degrees, mostly sunny, and gorgeous. It was so nice to be outside without my heavy coat. On the way home, we saw this pimped-out Smart Car. Do you love the lights under the carriage? He was eating up the attention when he saw us taking a picture, and honked his horn. It sounded like a diesel horn, but kind of fancy.
Just have to mention... Friday night after dance class, Denise had a little game night. We played extreme charades. It was pretty intense. Everyone writes ten words, then two teams in different rooms race against eachother to see who can get all ten first. Whoever guessed the right word goes out to get the next one. I had some challenging words... while I managed to portray "Babylon" and "Land Before Time", I couldn't get my team to say "sneaking cookies from the cookie jar". Cookie was the hang up. It was absolutely a blast.
1 comment:
That looks fun! Those kids sound funny. Oops for hitting him in the head. That green car is awesome! I would so drive it!!
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