Friday, my friend Jenny Faith was asked to sing harmony with a girl performing here in Boston. We went and heard her do an amazing job. I loved her sound and lyrics. Afterwards we went to a fun party. For her 29th birthday, Carly had a Roarin' 20's Party. We took pictures in the photo booth, watched an old silent movie, and drank Shirley Temples. Good times.

Saturday, I went to Cafe Brazil for some amazing food. There are two Brazilian Elders serving in our ward. We had three people who served in Brazil and one girl from Brazil there that night. I should have learned Portuguese.

Afterwards we went to a performance of an opera, Dido and Aenaes. A friend in the University Ward, Krista, was playing the lead. She has an amazing voice. Some of her family had come up to watch, and her mom is Brazilian. It was the theme for the night. She was actually such a cute, fun, bouncy lady. It was great. She prompted Joseph, who also has an amazing voice, and Krista to sing an impromptu concert out in the foyer afterwards. We ended the night with some yummy Cold Stone.
Just a little funny from Sunday. I have been having trouble sleeping lately, so when I woke up early, I decided to put my hair in an updo, and watched some YouTube videos about it. Well... it felt like it was really big, and when I got into my car it was hitting the top of the door. I asked Katie to just hold her hand on top of my head until we got to church to try to flatten it a little. She just laughed... which was good, because I was just partially kidding.
Monday there was a ginormous snow storm. I had thought the snow was done for the year, because we had been enjoying lovely sunny weather. It was crazy bad and when I saw how bad the roads were even after being plowed twice, I decided to stay and work from home. I loved working in my pajamas. I think we should have a work from home day every week... or have a pajama day at work. ;)
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