We probably would have stayed a little later, but the weather was rainy and cold so we headed home. It was a fantastic day-trip though. Love love NYC!
I like listening to music while I work. Fortunately my office mate doesn't mind and one of us will usually have music playing. He also doesn't mind when I sing along, which I have been known to do on occasion. Not me, right? ;) Well, yesterday, I decided it was an '80s music day and we were rocking out to The Cars and Tiffany, when "Total Eclipse of the Heart" began playing in my Itunes shuffle.
"Great song, turn it up," was Mike's response, to which I was happy to comply. When I started belting out the lyrics, Mike chimed in with his saucy falsetto. I asked him why he was singing like that (I'm not just mean... we tease a lot in this office).
"What are you talking about? That was beautiful."
I got a great laugh out of it. As I write this, I realize it is probably not as funny when you don't know him or the way he said it. Just trust me, I'm still chuckling about it.