Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Shot Heard Round the World
Friday, April 25, 2008
Look, It's Spring!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Buy Me Some Peanuts
Call Me Imelda
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Sugar, Sugar
I got to sap a tree... first, I drilled a hole; next, I hammered in a spout; and then hung the bucket and attached the lid.

Monday, April 14, 2008
This Is The Right Place
1. The glorious snow-covered mountains.
2. Straight, wide, parallel, streets (Thank you Brigham Young!). Anyone who has ever driven in Boston knows what I'm talking about. I didn't need to get out my nuvi even once the whole weekend in Salt Lake.
When I landed, I appreciated even more things about being home...
Happy Birthday Mommy!
I got to see all six of my adorable nieces and nephews. Savannah and Audrey got out to shake it with the line dancers at Texas Roadhouse, while Julian enjoyed playing the cowboy. It is so fun to see them and just get to play and talk with them. I love that they
get excited to see me, it makes me miss them more every ti
me I leave. I can't believe how big they get so quickly. Preston, Ethan & Audrey (with her princess necklace... such a girl) to the left and Danika to the right. My family loves to come together often... as the in-laws have to get used to.
2. All the good friends that I was able to see. One of my Sugarhouse roommates, Tamara married Brian in the Timpanogas temple. I loved the advice from their dads and hearing their sweet stories at the wedding breakfast.
3. All the spirit that we felt seeing Ethan get baptized.
It was so special to get to see Ethan enter the waters of baptism. He just has a way about him that is endearing and can be the most loving boy ever. We used to call Ethan Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde because he can be just as bad as he is good... but we love him for it. I'm so proud of my Nan for choosing to be baptized and can't wait to see all the wonderful things he will accomplish in his life. I love you!