Friday, April 25, 2008

Look, It's Spring!

I have a new love this Spring... magnolia trees. They are simply beautiful. I am so much more aware of Spring here in Boston than I ever was in Utah. This is probably a combination of the depressing New England winter I endured and the abundance of trees and flowers here. I am also currently reading the Anne series which are filled with praise for the beauties of nature in springtime. I only wish I were as eloquent as L.M. in describing them. It is thrilling to me to walk past trees and see the budding flowers beginning to show their faces. Last weekend, I called out to show my friends a particulary adorable bud and a passerby said, "Look, spring!" I had to smile and blush (just a little). Life really is about little pleasures.
In an effort to enjoy the beautiful weather, which has been unusually warm in the 80's, some friends and I went walking after church in the Mt. Auburn cemetary, just down the street. It was a lovely way to spend Sunday afternoon.
As a side note... I dyed my hair last week. This was the first time I attempted the matter all by myself. It was a messy affair, but I'm happy with the result. It made me wish I had roommates to help... hopefully I will before too long. I had just a few grey hairs *sigh* to cover up and I have had so many different attempts at highlights in the last year, it is nice to have all of my hair the same color at last. I think that I am going to cut it short now. I've been toying with the idea and have almost completely made my mind up to do it.


Lizardbreath McGee said...

I was walking to school the other day, and I kept reaching up to just touch the new leaves on the trees. I love that new leaf feeling, when it feels young and tender, just opening up to the world, like a shy teenager.

Or something.

I think I meant that to sound more profound than it actually did...

In short, I love spring too. :)

Delise said...

I love your obsession with all things flowery! I fully expected to see one in your hair! Bee-utiful!

Delise said...
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