Saturday, June 28, 2008
Little Road Trip
Sunday, June 22, 2008
My Boston Family

I have so many good memories from the last year with the Peo's...
- Going candlestick bowling
- Living with them when I first moved so that I could find a place that I liked
- My birthday! Delise cooking me breakfast in bed and dinner for a party for my friends
- Discussing where to find the perfect make-out couch
- Calling eachother to look up googlemaps whenever we were hopelessly lost
- Hours of American Idol Karaoke Revolution fun (Build me up Buttercup!)
- Tie-dyeing t-shirts with booby spots
- Family dinners where Delise would ask everyone the best part of the day (and loving the kids saying when I came over)
- Playing board games around the kitchen table
- Being a "spice-wussy"
- Trying my hand at yoga, standing sit-ups and pole-dancing exercise videos
- Laughing... over Boston-isms... Brian Regan... boys... anything
- Attempting to stay awake during action movies or funny sitcoms late at night and failing miserably
- "Eat Like a Pig" dinner
- Girls Nights Out with plenty of shopping and food
- Hours of therapeutic talking while curled up in blankets on the couch
- Beach outings to Nantaskett
- Taking embarassing pictures in Puerto Rico
- Evening family scripture study, prayer and reciting Articles of Faith
- Getting creamed at MarioKart on the wii... and the kids praising me for not coming quite in last
- Everyone trying to keep the dog Lucy from jumping all over me as soon as I walked in
- Taking care of me after surgery and anytime I was sick
I have been so impressed with the love they have for eachother and everybody. Jeff and Delise have been such good examples for me of charity, selfless giving, being good parents, and so many things. I am a better person for having had their family in my life. Thank you for everything... I don't think I could have survived the last year without you. It meant so much to know that you were there for me. I'm really going to miss you guys!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The House Where I Live
the sink: for some reason they don't believe in divided sinks around here, so I have to use that little tub to wash dishes. I have a very old dishwasher, so I still have to do a bit by hand.
So... that's how I roll until September when I move. Now I tag Joy, Rachel, and Melanie... I've never seen where you guys live now.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Four jobs I've had: Teller & FSR at Zions Bank, A/R Accountant at IHC, Project Accountant at Jacobsen Construction, and Financial Analyst at ASCOA... and as a bonus I spent a few months selling clothes at Ann Taylor
Four movies I can watch over and over: Pride & Prejudice (any version), Princess Bride, A River Runs Through It, and The Little Mermaid
Four places I have lived: Utah (WVC, Holladay & SLC), Russia (Rostov, Sochi & Krasnodar), and Massachusetts (Weymouth, Quincy & soon... Brighton)
Four favorite TV shows: The Office, Seinfeld, American Idol... and, um... Smallville? I don't really watch TV too much...
Four favorite foods: my mommy's spaghetti, ice cream, chocolate and peanut butter (and any combination of the last three)
Four places I'd rather be: a warm sunny beach, hiking in the mountains, playing good volleyball, and on vacation in a foreign country
Four places I've been: Finland, Brazil, Egypt and Israel
Four blog buddies I want to tag: Kristie, Jakob, Heidi and Amy (I would tag Jessica, but I know she won't do it...)
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Blue Skies

As part of our training before we jump, we had to watch a video with a lawyer. The first thing that appears on the screen is "SKYDIVING MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY OR YOUR DEATH." But that did not deter any of us... we waived all of our rights to sue and suited up. I kept thinking that I should have been more nervous than I was, but when I do scary things, I don't let myself think about it and just go. I didn't really start feeling scared until we were halfway up in the airplane. Two jumpers got out at 5000 feet. The first guy just kind of stepped out of the plane and shot back like a bullet. I had to gulp... um... was I really about to jump out of a plane?! Oh, and one of the girls who went up before me had a twisted parachute, so they had to cut it away and use the reserve. Yeah. When we got up to 10,000 feet, my bishop somersaulted out of the plane, then Amy, white as a ghost, barrel-rolled out and my turn arrived. I stepped up and crouched at the door, toes on the edge, with my arms crossed over my chest. We rocked forward, back and OUT! A scream escaped my lips and I froze... I couldn't remember what I was supposed to be doing... I was in the air... falling through the sky! Luckily, when I felt us start to twist, I snapped out of it and remembered that I had to arch my back, kick my feet up, and hold my arms out. Free-falling didn't actually feel like falling... more like flying. The wind was rushing up (I couldn't hear anything), and almost feels like it's holding you up... suspended in mid-air. This lasted about 45 seconds while we fell 5000 feet, at which point, my instructor Rich signalled to pulled the cord. I looked (important step) and reached down to find the orange tab and pulled. The parachute opened, pulling us up... this hurt the worst as the harness came a foot higher than it had been. Yeah, I'm sore.
We slowly floated down for the remaining 5000 feet, taking about five minutes. It was beautiful... still didn't feel like we were falling. It really almost felt like I was supported or attached to something on the ground. We glided in for a standing landing (I didn't quite stick the landing, but close). As scary as it was, I had so much fun and would definitely do it again!
Our Nation's Capital
I also liked this picture in the Air & Space Smithsonian. We basically just tried to take as many goofy pictures as we could. It made me remember how fun I used to be before I felt like I had to be responsible.
Day 3 We had such an interesting conversation with Joy's aunts and uncles. They told us about their family's experiences being Japanese during WWII. The government forced Japanese citizens to leave California or be forced to live in camps. When their family was able to move to Utah, they were some of the only Japanese people in the entire area they lived in and could feel it. Sad to hear of such prejudice, but it still happens. By the way, her family is just so nice. Her aunt just wanted to feed us until we were ready to burst. The food was all delicious as well.
Oh, and speaking of random connections, at the get together Adam took us to, Amy and I ran into friends from our trip to the
Day 4 It was on this day that I began to realize that my feet hurt. Bad. I can't remember the last time my feet hurt so much. We were also very, very hot. I thought Amy was going to pass out in front of the White House. She took this picture after we told her we wanted to try and hold the building in our hands...
Also, if you get a chance, ask Amy if she can talk and walk onto an escalator at the same time. ;)
Umm... we accidentally left Amy when we boarded the train that night... I don't know why she didn't see us running to jump on. She said someone tripped her.
Day 6 While waiting in line to see the mansion at Mount Vernon, this member of George's cabinet entertained us with a cricket-like game. The ball is on a lever which you hit with the paddle to make it fly into the air, at which point you swing (basically, pitching to yourself). The ball must land within the marked field, though, or it is a strike.
This trip was so relaxing. I didn't realize how stressed I was until I came home and it all hit me again. It was just so nice to get to spend a week with good friends that I have known for years and years. I can't believe I've known Joy for a decade now... and she still likes me ;). I don't remember the last time I laughed and laughed so much. Thanks, Amy for providing comic relief. I love you guys!
Paid Holiday
Friday, June 13, 2008
Beautiful Day
Our last stop for the day was Harvard campus, where Ted obviously has little respect for authority. I went on the unofficial Hah-vahd tour last October with Mandy and her mom and tried to remember tidbits of information. I really should write things down.